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Broadcasting Events/church-meetings-overview

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It is your responsibility as a technology specialist to ensure Church meetings run smoothly from a technology standpoint. You will be a valuable support to ecclesiastical leaders and teachers who have prayerfully prepared for these various meetings. Your ability to minimize the distractions which can occur when technology doesn’t function properly will be invaluable in helping maintain the spirit of the meeting. Remind those using media to download it ahead of time, as the meetinghouse internet should not be relied on for streaming media.

Your preparation is the key to success both in preparing the technology beforehand through testing and setup, as well as preparing for potential problems that could disrupt the meeting.

With the digital world emerging, technology is becoming an incredible tool to help enhance meetings and lessons. Meetings where technology is needed may include sacrament meetings, conferences, baptisms, funerals, second-hour classes, devotionals, interviews, and more.

Technology Specialists—Meeting Tasks

Seek direction from leaders and teachers to understand what technology needs they have. Coordinate which rooms the meetings will be held in—different rooms have different technology capabilities built in. When you understand the users’ technology needs, you can effectively prepare for the meeting.

Technology specialist tasks that may be required for a meeting include the following:

Tasks for meetings not in the chapel include the following: